Soul vs Spirit

July 17, 2023 by Lee Eun-Ji

Soul and Spirit are two animated films that explore profound concepts in an engaging and kid-friendly way. In the movie Soul, we join the adventure of Joe Gardner, a talented musician who finds himself in the Great Before—a place where souls develop their personalities before they are born. Through vibrant animation and captivating storytelling, Soul introduces kids to the idea of finding one's purpose and following their passions. It encourages them to reflect on what makes them unique and how they can make a positive impact on the world.

On the other hand, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron takes us on a wild journey alongside Spirit, a courageous young mustang. Set in the Old West, this visually stunning film depicts Spirit's determination to be free and his deep connection to the natural world. Spirit teaches kids the importance of resilience, loyalty, and embracing one's true nature. Through its breathtaking animation and exhilarating story, Spirit inspires children to appreciate the beauty of nature and the value of freedom.

Both Soul and Spirit share a common theme of self-discovery and staying true to oneself. While Soul explores the inner journey of finding one's purpose and passion, Spirit delves into the outer journey of embracing freedom and staying connected to the natural world. These films invite children to explore their own dreams, talents, and values, encouraging them to listen to their inner voice and follow their hearts. Whether it's diving into the magical realms of the soul in Soul or galloping through the rugged landscapes with Spirit, these animated films offer captivating adventures that will inspire and delight kids of all ages.